EVERYBODY LIES by Seth Stephens Davidowitz
I always was a great fan of Big Data. After reading “Everybody Lies” my interest in this area will only grow.
Big Internet Lies we all know. Fake news, coloured lives, photoshopped pictures. On the other hand, for the first time in the history of humankind, we have one place where we are all honest regardless of the subject – Google Search.
Plans, ideas or concerns that one would never share with the tax advisor, doctor, spiritual leader or a life partner are typed every second. With 4.5 billion internet users worldwide and close to 7 billion Google searches performed each day this is really Big Data.
And it is possible to analyze it. A few questions from the book:
Can you game the stock market?
How many Americans are racist?
How much sex are people really having?
How many people actually read the books they buy?
The author selected a few interesting topics from the areas of Politics, Psychology, Sports, Sex, Medicine and Crime. To get the answers, read the book and make sure you get to the end of it!
Stay safe and happy reading!
Karolina Kaim